Thursday, May 19, 2011

On a sugar high

Thumbs up to the Starbucks-guy that entered my university yesterday, put an indecent amount of ice coffee on the tables and then left. Just like that. A few hours later I discovered that consuming more than three units of the nauseatingly sweet mix of coffee and chocolate milk will make your heart beat faster than a hummingbird's, and your general state of well-being will.. well, go straight to hell. I felt seasick until I fell asleep.

But oh man, the time before I crashed down from my high - I was a super student! Thank you caffeine! Three more days of chasing the bottom of coffee cups and working on those panda eyes slowly growing more visible. Three days - and then my final exam. Teehee.

1 comment:

  1. Kanskje det er noen starbucks jeg skulle hatt, herregud som jeg henger etter. Føles ihvertfall sånn. Jaja. Supersøte bilder av deg! Bra det ikke er bare jeg som slår til med trutmunn! Og du er skikkelig fin med rød leppestift :D


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