Sunday, May 8, 2011

Enter: three days of awesome

Good morning, beautiful people! The sun is up, my tea cup full and my heart beating like a black metal drum kit; today, I'm starting my first exam. Media- and culture theory - a three-day adventure of coffee, angst and writing. Or something closely related to that. During the next days I'll giggle, I'll cry, I'll shout and I'll crawl on the floor, of this I am sure. I will however, convince myself that I am in total control of the situation. This will be fantastic!

Please excuse me now, while I jump around my kitchen, enter the cool zone and do the awesome-dance like M.I.A.:

My plan is, if nothing else succeeds, to make a living by dancing like this around the university. Feed me coffee, and I'm up for it.


  1. Masse lykke til, kommer sikkert til å gå kjempebra! :D

    Svar: Skal prøve å ikke slette bloggen denne gangen, har gjort det så mange ganger før. Litt teit, for hvis jeg bare hadde holdt meg til en blogg, så hadde jeg jo hatt livet dokumentert typ fem år tilbake i tid. Jaaja. :P

  2. tror du kommer til å overleve fint med slike danseskilz!

  3. tinekatrine: Jeg har ihvertfall stooore ambisjoner om det, så krysser fingrene!


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