Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A motivating Arabic plague

I start every day with Arabic class; each and every morning is saluted at 8.30 with Arabic stuttering and a cup of coffee black as a Norwegian winter. I'm not good at it, it's not going fast, but it's okay. In addition to the morning class, which focuses on Egyptian spoken dialect (which I'm awful at), I also take a class in modern standard Arabic. The formal stuff. Which I love! I have the most amazing, supporting and motivating professor, and her enthusiasm is contagious like a plague. A happy, motivated, Arabic plague of conjugations and pronouns, plurals and shaky handwriting.

1 comment:

  1. Åh hjelpes, må være helt sinnsykt vanskelig.

    Svar: Enig, alle har godt av å komme litt bort fra komfortsona si for en periode. For det aller meste så har jeg det superfint her! Håper du har det fint i Egypt også :)


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