Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cairo diary: 14/17

Spring break is getting closer by the second. And so is the desperate need for a break. The books seems to get duller by the day, the articles more complicated. The library seems noisier and the classes longer. And, as a result of this, the approaches to learning tend to become stranger and stranger. Today we hit a new high, or low - depending if the one who's judging is myself or my professor. 

This is what we look like in a Oreo and chocolate-provoked learning frenzy. We're charming. And we are without a doubt building up a really good image among the Egyptian students. "Use your head", they told me when I was younger. Well, now I've got scientific proof: that stuff doesn't work a bit better than reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, SØTE! :D

    Svar: Er jo ikke så fryktelig mange som leser bloggen min, men tanken på at folk jeg ikke kjenner, og forsåvidt de jeg kjenner også, leser alt våset mitt blir plutselig litt skummelt noen ganger. Haha. Men jeg har jo holdt på med dette i noen år nå, så både jeg og de burde være vant til det.


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