Thursday, July 14, 2011

To do something on your own

A few days ago I packed a bag of clothes, some food and a hella lot of tea, and decided to leave civilization for a while. So I took my rusty old car and drove into the woods, my destination being a little cabin at a lake. No electricity, no internet, just... silence.

My next door neighbor was a jittery squirrel - a bushy tail that never seemed to stay still for more than a few seconds. But I guess that's what being rather close to the bottom of the food chains does to you, isn't it? Another acquaintance I made was a bit more self-confident: the beaver. Holy hell on a fish stick, who knew they could swim so fast? It was like a little boat/submarine that crossed the lake, somewhat molested a few bushes and continued into the moonlight.

A solitary vacation without a laptop, good cell phone reception or anything as fancy as a toilet you can flush, might seem like a dull thing to do on your days off. But nay. I caught, killed and cooked my own dinner (but must admit that the size of the fish kind of forced me to be generous with the vegetables on the side), I finally got to read a few books I've been eager to plow through (ah, nothing like reading a good book on gender mutilation on Norwegian/Somalian girls, or a family drama from Iran, stretching over a few decades), and I realized that the radio plays a lot of shitty music during a normal summer day.

But you know what? It was good. Both my body and mind needed some relaxation, some silence. I've grown up in these areas, and I do feel at home here. However, you can get too much of a good thing, so tonight I'm trying to even it out. Oslo, Harry Potter, dinner out, romance - here I come. Yum.


  1. Åh, så koselige bilder.. Du er heldig som har en hytte å dra på :)

  2. dudu! har du lyst til å hjelpe meg litt? jeg skal jo til beijing nå i høst, og så må jeg vell snart begynne å styre med visum og sånt.. men jeg forstår ikke hvordan jeg fikser det!!

  3. Oda: Takk! Mhmm, det er utrolig godt å ha et sted å reise til, selv om det ikke er voldsomt stort, eller voldsomt fancy.


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