Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gorgonzola and Severus Snape

Before engaging in things that may take its toll on you, you need to prepare. So before I dragged my Mr.Man to see the last Harry Potter movie last night, we had a little Italian feast - pizza, panna cotta, espresso: everything that makes my tummy happy. (And aaah, gorgonzola on pizza is so good. I die a little every time.)

And while I've mentioned death: Sweet Buddha on a broomstick, I cried so much when Snape died. Dumbledore? Psch, I could handle that. (And a few of the deaths in the movie went by ridiculously fast. "Ow, Ron's brother died, let's not talk about that too long".)

Harry Potter's just the typical, slightly troubled protagonist, Voldemort the ultra evuuhl antagonist trying to take over the world. I am, and have always been, rooting for the yummy characters on the side. Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, Neville Longbottom - this one goes out to you. You're my kind of guys. So yeah, I wept like a child when Snape's lights went out. And as my 3D glasses were shaped like Harry Potter's for the occasion, I'm sure I was a sight for sore eyes. (And for those of you who applauded or laughed when Snape died: I'm sure you're just inbred, was dropped on your heads as babies, and in general can't help your behavior, even though you truly wish to behave.)


  1. I hope your own head is all right and if it is, I´m pretty sure it´s because I didn´t drop you, I just knocked your head - for a very short moment - in the roof. :-)

  2. Anonymous (which I'm pretty sure I know who is): Haha, my head is perfectly fine, no serious trauma detected :)


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