Friday, January 13, 2012

China pt.5: The Great Wall

Realized I never posted enough pics from the wall we pranced around on in China. So here's a whole bunch!

And this is how charming I looked as I practically inhaled 1,5 liters of water at the end of the hike: 

Note to self: I you're planning on walking for hours in the scorching sun on a stone wall ever again, bring more water. Bring a horse carrying tens of liters. Or at least another bottle.

And wait, it's not over yet! Here's something less green and blue for you as well:


  1. så fint! hvilken mur gikk dere på?

    1. Jinshanling, og mot Simatai. Om jeg ikke husker helt feil. (Men Simatai var stengt pga bygging/restaurering, så vi gikk ikke hele veien bort.)


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