Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving around

Yesterday we moved from our cat-crowded, freezing, somewhat charming rooftop hostel, and into the dorms of AUC. The university kindly offered us to move away from Tahrir Square, which is practically next to where we've been living so far, and into their own premises. Not a permanent solution, but a rather good deal, as it has hot water and heated rooms. Compared to the luxury offered by our previous "home", this feels like a five-star upgrade. (We started at rock bottom when it comes to housing, so it's only getting better from here. And that's a nice thought.)

And how is Cairo at the moment? Anticipating, I think. There will be a lot of things happening at Tahrir Square during the next 24 hours, but I'm not sure what it will be colored by. The older people I've talked to, grin and talk about the night as a joyous occasion. The younger tend to talk a bit more grimly about sacrifices and revolutions, but still don't fail to mention that it's going to be a night of celebration.
What do I expect? I honestly don't know. But it will be interesting to stay in Cairo now, that's for sure.


  1. Gleder meg til å følge med, bloggen din er en av få ting jeg frivillig leser på engelsk :-)
    Ser på kattebildet ditt og hører på 80-talls hits, koselig!

    1. Så stas at jeg klarer å fenge på engelsk, ihvertfall litt. Lover å være dyktig, ivrig og generelt fantastisk på å oppdatere, kors på halsen.


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