Friday, August 26, 2011


Books, beers, giggles, stress, people, planning, school and life. I've got a lot of things going on right now. I'm finally starting my semester, and as I'm frantically trying to gather together all my curriculum, I'm also part of a group in charge of guiding new students through their first semester at the university, in addition to the fact that my deadline to apply to an exchange university is disturbingly close, together with the Arabic class I'm thinking of picking up again.

Dizzy yet? I am. So, even though it's rather sad, I'm giving the blog a little break. (Not that it has overwhelmed anyone that last months anyway.) I'll be back though, just need a little time.

Until then, thanks for sticking by, hoping I'll see you again!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Resembling equilibrium

White wine, raspberries, friends, a trampoline at night, awful sunburns and lots of giggles. One of the best weekends of the summer is over, and my working hours are yet again scribbled all over my day-planner. As saying I'm busy nowadays, is the understatement of the year, I'm not ranked as #1 of Active Bloggers of The Year. But hell, it's summer. I'm having a good time, and even though Norway still is holding its breath, I hope your lives are somewhat good as well.

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